Saturday, September 15, 2007

from a shutterfly email!!!!

They said to see your child in an abc adventure. I needed a frontal shot and the one of me and the one of Dinah were each rejected, so I tried one of her boyfriend Cameron. It has sound too. Hold on to your ice tea for this one. And all from one jpeg!

If you don't see anyone, something's goofy about it, because at first he was there and they allow you to embed it. Their site may be swamped.

Here's a link to it with Dinah in it.
Cameron's head fit it better though.


Anonymous said...

This is so funny.

Sally said...

It's pretty amazing how they worked it out. Their software must somehow read where the eyes and mouth are, because they add a blink here and there, and the mouth opening in some spots. I noticed in Dinah's they sort of missed where her mouth was a few times. Sure it's all automated. I wish there were more adventures to play with.